Mrs. Lopez from CDES and her husband enjoyed an exciting afternoon at Afrim’s Sports Park in Albany on Sunday cheering on several talented and dedicated soccer players from Cairo Durham! Way to go, Brendan, Caiden, Liam and Callum!

Last week, Mrs. Mooney and Miss Choinsky's class played math review games. The students were respectful and kind to each other as they learned new games and practiced old skills.

In a display of collaborative academic engagement, Miss Wagor’s 5th grade class and Mrs. Margiasso's Kindergarten class teamed up for a session of D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read).
The 5th grade students assumed the role of literary mentors by reading a book of choice provided by their Kindergarten friends in a captivating reading experience!

The Halstrom/Busti class at Cairo-Durham Elementary School has certainly been busy embracing the fall season!
The first grade class went on a leaf hunt recently where students brought in one leaf each to make observations about. First, they created a leaf rub showing the outline of the leaf. Then, students identified the colors in the leaf , how many cubes long it was, the size and something that they liked about it.
Additionally, the class studied Johnny Appleseed! The students learned that his birthday was a few days ago, so in honor of his accomplishments, they made applesauce! The class read various books regarding apples and Johnny Appleseed. Then, students cut up six apples, added sugar and cinnamon and eventually enjoyed their creation!

CDE has many creative and persuasive posters of students running for student council offices. Best of luck to all the candidates!

Congratulations to Colton C. for being named the Thompson/Lopez "Star of the Week"!

This summer, Cairo-Durham Elementary School teachers were trained in the methods of Orton-Gillingham. Orton-Gillingham is a multi-sensory, explicit, systematic approach for teaching reading. Special Education teacher Sarah Hasbrook led an after school group of trained teachers in how to analyze student data and apply the next steps to their teaching.

Congratulations to Ranveer T. for being recognized as the Thompson/Lopez "Star of the Week"!

On October 12, all students and staff at Cairo-Durham Elementary School participated in "DEAR time", a 15-minute period where everyone in the building takes time to read! Thank you to Mrs. Rell for taking pictures of Mrs. Rath's 4th grade class in the library!

October 12, 2023
Dear Cairo-Durham Central School District Families, Faculty and Staff,
I hope this message finds you all well with the colder weather and changing of the leaves upon us!
I am writing to you today to provide a friendly reminder that Friday, October 13 will be an Early Release Day districtwide for students.
Cairo-Durham Middle and High School will release at 11:45 a.m. Due to the schedule change, there will be no lunch period and no after school activities. Please make sure your student(s) have breakfast. Breakfast will be offered in the cafeteria, per usual.
Cairo-Durham Elementary school will release at 12:45 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be served, per usual, however there will be no P.M. Pre-K.
Thank you very much and have a great weekend!
Michael Wetherbee
Superintendent of Schools
Cairo-Durham Central School District

Reminder: October 13th, 2023 will be a District-wide Early Release Day for all students.
Students at the secondary campus will be released at 11:45 am and students at the elementary campus will be released at 12:45 pm.

Congratulations to Angel S. for being recognized as the Thompson/Lopez "Star of the Week" for last week!

Congratulations to Caiden K.. for being recognized as the Whitbeck/Lopez "Star of the Week"!

All students in Grades 2- 3 wrote letters to thank Hannaford, Boehm Farm and Story Farm for donating delicious apples, cider donuts and bottled water to the Harvest Festival last week!

For 15 minutes every morning, Ms. Wagor's CDES class begins with "Soft Start Bins". They offer a smooth transition into the school day by providing a calm and gradual start, reducing morning rush and anxiety. These bins promote independence and decision-making as students choose activities that align with their interests!
The bins enhance focus, attention and classroom management by allowing students to engage in diverse, enjoyable activities before formal lessons begin. "Soft Start Bins" encourage social interaction while stimulating creativity. Overall, they set a positive tone for the day, promoting a more productive and pleasant learning experience!

Students in the Thompson/Lopez class practiced their writing skills by making cards to thank Hannaford for donating doughnuts and water to the CDE Harvest Festival last week!

October is Board of Education Appreciation month! The Cairo-Durham CSD would like to recognize the efforts and dedication of all of our board members for all they do for our District!

The Cairo-Durham Central School District is accepting applications for the following positions:
- CDHS 1:1 Teacher Aide
- District Maintenance Worker
- CDES Physical Education Teacher (Leave of Absence)
Please view the attachments for more information!

A special shoutout goes to SRO Deputy Espel for stopping by CDES classrooms to speak about the importance of safety while Trick-or-Treating for Halloween at the end of the month!

Congratulations to Yuvraj T. for being named the Grade 3 Lopez/Whitbeck Star of the Week at CDES!