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Congratulations to the six varsity sports teams that earned Scholar Athlete status for the 2021-22 Fall Season! To earn this honor, a team must have 75% of their roster maintain a 90% average for the season in which they participated.

The Fall 2021-22 Scholar Athlete teams are:

  • Girls Varsity Cross Country,  97.3 average (Head Coach - Barbara Coryell)
  • Boys Varsity Soccer, 96.08 average (Head Coach - Patty Gibson)
  • Girls Varsity Soccer, 95.67 average (Head Coach - Elizabeth Meyers)
  • Boys Varsity Cross Country, 94 average (Head Coach - Barbara Coryell) 
  • Varsity Golf, 93.63 average (Head Coach - Tom Corbett)
  • Girls Varsity Volleyball, 91.4 average (Head Coach - Judy Burton)